Feb 18, 2021
Episode 123: Sarah's Milestone Birthday Extravaganza Featuring VH X RR
Everyone's favorite female host of the PRP recently had a significant birthday! Typically, these milestones are celebrated with a big party, but these aren't exactly typical times. So instead of having a room full of all kinds of people, Brian and Sarah had a Zoom call with two very cool people: Von Hertzog and Rob Rowe of the band VH x RR.
Our hosts last spoke with VH x RR last June, upon the release of their debut EP, The Persistence of Memory. This time around, there are two new singles to discuss: "Somewhere in Time," which was released in the opening moments of 2021, and "The Speed of Light," which just saw the light of day on Bandcamp a couple of weeks ago.
Brian and Sarah speak with Von and Rob about the singles and the many remixes that accompany them, but that's just the tip of the iceberg! They also discuss Von's projects with the artists Czarina and Blaklight; the Christmas song VH x RR released and whether there will ever be an original Rob Rowe-penned Christmas tune; Bandcamp versus streaming platforms; the Duran Duran album Big Thing; The Guess Who song ”Sour Suite;" and John Mulaney's views on pop music. There's even EXCLUSIVE talk of a new VH x RR EP, as well as a possible new Whitewaits release!
And if that's not enough excitement already, Sarah's birthday extravaganza goes to the next level with a game show segment! The two band members are pitted against each other in a heated battle where only one person will emerge victorious! In this segment, Von Hertzog shares his pro tips on baking pizza; the idea is pitched for a concert where everyone in attendance receives a cowbell upon entering; and Rob Rowe reveals the TV star that women at bars mistake him for most often.
Join in on the celebration and also learn about some fantastic new music-- and a lot more-- in this episode!
Visit VH x RR at
Bandcamp: https://vhxrr.bandcamp.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VHxRR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vhxrrmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vhxrr/
Visit Blaklight at
Bandcamp: https://blaklight.bandcamp.com/music
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlakLightband
Facebook: facebook.com/BlakLightband/
Order Robbie Sims' "Quantum of Silliness: The Peculiar World of Bond, James Bond" on Amazon (US) and Amazon (UK).
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