Oct 20, 2019
Episode 93: Wham! – Make it Big (1984) Part 2
The month of October marches on, and so does the discussion of the sophomore effort by the group Wham!-- 1984's Make it Big. As a reminder, Brian and Sarah are joined by friend of the show Jackie Clary, whose knowledge and appreciation for all things Wham!, along with her music research skills, were showcased in the previous episode.
Part 3 - Track by Track
The three hosts are ready to tackle the four songs on Side One, and with two big singles occupying the first slots on the album, there are plenty of things to discuss! Brian shares his idea that there are two distinct images for the band with this album. Sarah compares the album's first song to another peppy 80s song she loves, and Jackie reveals that song actually does have a connection to Wham! Both Brian and Sarah are delighted to be able to revisit one of the greatest things they've ever seen on the internet, and later on, they both have a question for Jackie-- is she familiar with Shaun Cassidy?
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
Everything She Wants
Like a Baby
See the videos we discuss here:
Mash-up of "This Corrosion" and "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go"
1996 MTV Unplugged performance of "Everything She Wants"
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