Feb 9, 2020
Episode 99: Blondie - Eat to the Beat (1979) Part 2
It's somewhat hard for our hosts to believe, but it's true-- this is officially the last double-digit episode of the Permanent Record Podcast! Episode 99 finds Brian and Sarah continuing their discussion of Blondie's 1979 album, Eat to the Beat. They start off with a couple more reviews of the album itself before getting back into the track-by-track discussion.
Part 3 - Track by Track, continued
Part One of Eat to the Beat was running long, so our hosts only got
around to talking about the first four songs on Side One before
wrapping up. With a total of eight songs left, there's lots more
music, vocals, lyrics, and videos to discuss; plus, there are a
couple of Apple Podcast reviews to share as well. In amongst all
the regular topics though, there's also talk of post apocalyptic
night clubs, intestinal distress, the world's largest "jazz
cigarette," two Talking Heads references, and something that
resembles either an enormous Swanson's turkey pot pie, a drum head,
or a crème brulée. And, it seems Brian has gone into withdrawal
from not doing a "PRP 007 Mini-Broadcast" in so long, because he
launches into "James Bond Movie Mode" for a brief time.
Side One:
Eat to the Beat
Accidents Never Happen
Side Two:
Die Young Stay Pretty
Slow Motion
Living in the Real World
Part 4 - Extra Credit
In an unusual twist, the "Extra Credit" portion of this episode is
not related to the album; instead, it's a reminder to please send
in your music trivia questions to prptrivia at gmail.com for the
upcoming Trivia Showdown episode.
Part 5 - Final Review and Rating
It then comes time for Brian and Sarah to give their final reviews
and ratings for Eat to the Beat. They were both making very
favorable comments for everything on Side One, but there were much
more mixed reviews to be found on Side Two (and in some regards,
that may be putting it mildly). Were there enough negative vibes
generated to warrant low record-adapter ratings for the entire
album from the hosts? The only way to find out is to listen to the
See the videos discussed here:
Eat to the Beat
Accidents Never
Die Young Stay
Slow Motion
Living in the Real
Read more at http://www.permanentrecordpodcast.com/
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